Thought Leadership
KOL Identification
July 21, 2022
Unfeasibly Prolific Authors
Using publication history from PubMed to help identify Experts or assess an individual KOLs work?
Then you should probably be aware of our work to identify people (and KOLs) with “unfeasibly prolific” authorship!
Our work has been presented at the International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals, and published in PeerJ.
When measuring productivity, one should be alert not only to unproductive researchers but also to unfeasibly prolific ones. It's also worth considering the true value of “publication metrics” when trying to identify or characterise KOLs/Experts.
"Too much of a good thing? An observational study of prolific authors”, by Elizabeth Wager PhD (Sideview), Sanjay Singhvi MBA (System Analytic), Sabine Kleinert MRCP (The Lancet).
We use such research to help guide our clients on the value of different metrics in the context of identifying and mapping KOLs.